Category: Sermons


Connect the Dots – Homily on August 30

Susie Henderson shared this homily in worship on Sunday, August 30.  The readings were:  Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9; Psalm 15; James 1:17-27; and Mark 7: 1-8,

When is Enough Enough?

Readings for August 9, 2015: 1 Kings 19:1-5;  Psalm 34:1-8;  Ephesians 4:25-5:2;  John 6:35, 41-51; WHEN IS ENOUGH ENOUGH?  Homily:Ian Sowton Elijah:the saga of Elijah pits


Re-Membering: Rights and Relationships

Advent 4 – December 21, 2014 by Marilyn Dolmage Today’s two Bible readings involve Faith and Mystery. The Doxology in Romans tells the faithful that


“Not in the Bible!”

This past week, I posted a short note on the Holy Trinity e-list with observations from my past weekend at Canterbury Cathedral – the ‘Mother Church’ of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

It was my first visit to Canterbury, and I was pleased to be able to sit in the quire for Evensong on Saturday afternoon and then Sung Eucharist on Sunday morning.

As you might imagine, I was especially delighted to be invited afterwards to share a glass of wine with the Archbishop of Canterbury and a couple of dozen ‘baby bishops’ who were gathered for an annual conference for bishops who had been in office for less than a year.

Since we live in the 21st century, and are as a society obsessed with the mere fabric of celebrity – let me begin with a fashion statement: The vestments worn by Archbishop Justin are without a doubt much more high end than anything here at Holy Trinity, though perhaps this is to be expected.


Refugee Service Homily

Homily given by Sherman Hesselgrave at a service held at St James Cathedral, Toronto, on February 1st, 2015, The Eve of the Feast of the