Tag: scripture


Now the moment I flowed out from the Creator all creatures stood and shouted: “Behold here is God!” They were correct. For you ask me:

Sunset over Hallum Street

Do-ing and Be-ing

When Dianne asked me if I would preach, I thought, “sure, it’s been a while. I can do this”. In those moments I think about


“Not in the Bible!”

This past week, I posted a short note on the Holy Trinity e-list with observations from my past weekend at Canterbury Cathedral – the ‘Mother Church’ of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

It was my first visit to Canterbury, and I was pleased to be able to sit in the quire for Evensong on Saturday afternoon and then Sung Eucharist on Sunday morning.

As you might imagine, I was especially delighted to be invited afterwards to share a glass of wine with the Archbishop of Canterbury and a couple of dozen ‘baby bishops’ who were gathered for an annual conference for bishops who had been in office for less than a year.

Since we live in the 21st century, and are as a society obsessed with the mere fabric of celebrity – let me begin with a fashion statement: The vestments worn by Archbishop Justin are without a doubt much more high end than anything here at Holy Trinity, though perhaps this is to be expected.