Photo by MITCH BOEHN on Unsplash

Deep Life All Abounding

Deep life all abounding
whose voice goes on sounding
the word of creation through space;
your love still is schooling
prime stars in their moving,
and new worlds unfurl in your grace.

We hear tell the story
of your ample glory
from creatures that roll off your tongue:
the swimmers, the fliers,
all diggers and sliders —
the brood that you rear us among.

So praise to you Maker, our Father and Mother
And Child whom so loving you send
in fondness to nurse us,
in love to immerse us,
already and always our friend.

Along the horizon
warm gardens of Zion
lie fragrant with justice and cure.
But foul runs our error
of waste, hurt, and terror,
and rancid our use of the poor;

We structure their lacking
then blame them for slacking
and leave them despair’s putrid crust.
Return us to sharing
that talent for caring
you gave us which we have let rust.

Forgive us, Provider,
our Mother and Father,
and Child whom so loving you send
in justice to bend us,
in mercy to mend us,
already and always our friend.

Ian Sowton, 1985
Welsh Carol: Olwen


On Key

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