Not all of these were delivered in a church service, but they all fit the bill of being a reflection on a text, issue or feeling for the community. We hope you will find inspiration here.
Recent sermons
Sixth Sunday After Epiphany
This week we join remotely due to the snowfall across the city, please join our virtual circle as we read…
Holy Communion in the Christian Celtic Tradition
Today we celebrate a service of Holy Communion in the Christian Celtic Tradition. We read from Psalm 84, a poem…
Third Sunday After Epiphany
This Sunday we read from The Gospel According to Luke and Paul’s 1st letter to the Corinthians. The homily is…
Second Sunday after Epiphany
This week we celebrate the Second Sunday after Epiphany with readings from the Prophet Isaiah and the Gospel According to…
Baptism of Jesus
This Sunday we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus. We read from Isaiah, a poem by Steve Garnaas-Holmes, and the Gospel…
Epiphany Sunday
Welcome back to Holy Trinity, and Happy New Year. This week we celebrate Epiphany Sunday with readings from The Magi…
Random sermons
The Music of Creation
On Sunday, September 27, Vivian led our morning gathering with the theme, The Music of Creation. We had a lively…
Maggie Helwig’s Homily (February 6 — Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany)
“Salt of the earth” is one of those phrases that’s entered the language in ways quite different from the original…
Doubt: an Element of Faith (October 14, 2012)
Sherman Hesselgrave, Homilist Job 23: 1-9, 16-17 Mark 10.17-31 Doubt: an Element of Faith Thanks to Keith Nunn for proposing…
How do we inhabit this place?
Keith Nunn co-ordinator, preacher and presiderAllison Leyton-Brown music co-ordinatorDave Butko technical co-ordinator Sermon only
7th Sunday after Pentecost
Hello everyone, and we welcome you to join us in celebrating the 7th Sunday after Pentecost. We read a poem…
Reflections on 1 Corinthians chapter 13 – a homily by Michael Creal
Homily Jan 31,2016 — Michael Creal Today’s readings provide rich fare for reflection and commentary but following the principle that sometimes…
Outrageous Generosity (A Stewardship Sermon)
Delivered on November 18th, 2012 by Sherman Hesselgrave Readings: 1 Kings 17:8-16 Psalm 146 Walter Brueggemann, “Giver of All Good…
Creation Sunday – Sunday Gathering
Hey folks, this week we read from the Book of Ruth, Gospel of Mark, Psalm 42, and The Book of…
Christ be our light
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany – Sunday Gathering A Sermon from Joanna Manning This week we read from Isaiah, Book…