Sermon Archive

Not all of these were delivered in a church service, but they all fit the bill of being a reflection on a text, issue or feeling for the community. We hope you will find inspiration here.

Recent sermons

Third Sunday After Epiphany

This Sunday we read from The Gospel According to Luke and Paul’s 1st letter to the Corinthians. The homily is…

Baptism of Jesus

This Sunday we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus. We read from Isaiah, a poem by Steve Garnaas-Holmes, and the Gospel…

Epiphany Sunday

Welcome back to Holy Trinity, and Happy New Year. This week we celebrate Epiphany Sunday with readings from The Magi…

Random sermons

looking across the Grand River at the forest on the other side

How do we inhabit this place?

Keith Nunn co-ordinator, preacher and presiderAllison Leyton-Brown music co-ordinatorDave Butko technical co-ordinator Sermon only

two rows of votive candles burning in the dark

Christ be our light

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany – Sunday Gathering A Sermon from Joanna Manning This week we read from Isaiah, Book…

April 23 worship online only

While the church building is closed for electrical upgrades we will meet online only. Regular in person worship resumes April 30.