Sermon Archive

Not all of these were delivered in a church service, but they all fit the bill of being a reflection on a text, issue or feeling for the community. We hope you will find inspiration here.

Recent sermons

2nd Sunday of Lent

This week we read from “Beloved is Where We Begin” by Jan Richardson from the Painted Prayerbook as well as…

Third Sunday After Epiphany

This Sunday we read from The Gospel According to Luke and Paul’s 1st letter to the Corinthians. The homily is…

Random sermons


Today we celebrate the Birth of the Church on Pentecost Sunday. Join us as we read from Acts and Gospel…

close up photograph of palm fronds

Palm Sunday Gathering

A Sermon from Joanna Manning Today we celebrate the triumphant entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. We read from Isaiah,…

April 23 worship online only

While the church building is closed for electrical upgrades we will meet online only. Regular in person worship resumes April 30.